Sustainable design

Sustainable design isn’t just a priority – it’s a necessity. LOM looks ahead at 2022.

LOM’s directors discuss our drive to promote sustainable design and plans to achieve net zero.

Our new year’s resolution is to drive sustainability. Our world is extremely precious, and as architects and interior designers, we have a role to play in achieving a more sustainable built environment for future generations.

The pandemic has accelerated existing trends and allowed us to rethink how we want to live and work. This is opening up new opportunities to deliver truly sustainable buildings. It’s not enough to make sustainability a preference or even a priority – it is a necessity, and we want to proactively put it front and centre for all our clients and projects.

In 2021 LOM achieved net zero for Scope 1 and 2 emissions, and this year our aim is to achieve full carbon neutrality as a business, including Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions (those from the supply chain). We will also deliver our first fully carbon neutral building and keep demonstrating the long-term benefits of sustainable design in our proposals.

Achieving a more sustainable built environment will mean finding creative and innovative ways to do more with less. From new models of living and working that find better, more efficient ways to use new and existing spaces, to embedding reuse and recycling into all of our designs.

This year we intend to drive whole life carbon assessment, continue to deliver high quality buildings and spaces that are designed to last, and creatively reuse existing structures and materials wherever possible.

2022 is the year where real progress can be made to improve our built environment – and we’re doing what we can to help make this a reality.

This article is by Richard Hutchinson

Richard is a director at LOM who leads a wide range of architectural and interior design commissions in the UK, Europe, the Middle East, the Americas and Australia.

This article is by Simon Bird

Simon is a director of the practice, taking a leading role on strategic, interior and architectural projects.

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