LOM recently took part in Open City’s Architecture in Schools programme to inspire the next generation of city-shapers. We teamed up with Riverley Primary School in Leyton to explore the topic of a smarter city.

This year Ana, Cristie, Kim, Maliha, Martina, Micol and Sam collaborated with Ms Ennis’ Year 5 class. To kick-start the programme, they took the children on a tour of the iconic Tate Modern to introduce them to the basic architectural principles.
Back in the classroom, the children redesigned and modelled a ‘smarter’ Riverley Primary School. The model was made out of anything they could get their hands on from pipe cleaners to fabric samples.
Senior Designer, Kim Walker said: “I thoroughly enjoyed working with the children, they had so many great ideas that were captured through model-making. Their revamped school has a welcoming new entrance, including a pet’s playground and a secret garden. It is flexibly designed with a ‘fun-function’ room and multipurpose learning lab hobby club. There’s also a ‘feelings sharing pavilion’ – a place for the children to feel comfortable and relaxed.”
Year 5 teacher, Ms Ennis said: “Your visit has left a profound effect upon the children – I foresee many aspiring architects to come!”
This is the fifth time that LOM has taken part in the Architecture in Schools programme. The aim is to help Key Stage Two pupils understand how architecture informs our world and improve their maths, art, communication and problem-solving skills.