Call for applications for the Karla Roman travel bursary 2020
Applications are now open for the annual travel bursary named in memory of Karla Roman – a talented architect who was tragically killed while cycling to work in London in February 2017. This is the second year that LOM architecture and design has awarded the bursary, which is aimed at architecture students looking to broaden their experiences through travel.
Any UK-based architecture student is eligible to apply for the £2,000 bursary. It will be awarded to the applicant who can demonstrate the greatest need for financial assistance with their travel requirements. Applicants should provide a description of their circumstances and how they would benefit from the bursary.
For its inaugural year, the bursary financially supported two architecture students to pursue travel opportunities in connection with their studies.

The bursary enabled 2019 recipient and Bath University student Eleanor Hyde, 20, to travel solo to Japan – an opportunity that would not have otherwise been an option for her.
“I have always had a strong interest in Japanese architecture and design, however the time and financial constraints of being a student meant that there simply weren’t any opportunities for me to travel to somewhere as far as Japan. By enabling me to go to Tokyo, Nikko, Kyoto and Osaka, the bursary allowed me to become completely immersed in Japanese culture, looking beyond architecture to cuisine, religion, and sustainability. My ten-day visit has already had a profound effect on my design thinking, recently completing the design for a micro-home which drew on my first-hand study of Japanese modular dwellings.”
Farid Abdulla, 40, who is studying for his Part II at the Manchester School of Architecture spent a semester at Italy’s largest technical university, Politecnico di Milano and in his spare time explored the city as well as Lake Como.
“Living in Milan and experiencing a change of environment facilitated a cognitive shift and a clarity of thought, particularly regarding my career as a designer and urbanist. I discovered layers of imagination that I will continue to nurture as well as an appreciation for where best to place myself when I finish my studies. The bursary allowed me to have a beautiful experience that has forever changed me.”

The successful applicant will be invited to give Karla’s colleagues at LOM a short presentation outlining how their studies and associated travel have benefited from the bursary. The deadline for applications is Monday 9 December 2019.
Further details about how to apply are available here: Karla Roman Travel Bursary.